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Updated 2024

Welcome to Tailwind Gliders!

Here you will find Instructional DVD's for sale,
Free How to Articles, Building Tips and Spreadsheets;
Sailplane Calc, ALES Scoring, Foam Cutter Calc etc...
which aid in the building and flying of your Radio Controlled Models/Gliders.

"I watched the first segment on DLG booms last night and learned more in that time
than all the reading I've done so far."
Brian in Maryland.

Free Pivot Cut Video Sample
Download on the "Tips" Page

"A Beginner's Guide
Cutting and Bagging
Foam Wings"

If you have always wanted to Cut Foam Wings
and Vacuum Bag them, this Instructional Video
will give you the confidence to do so.
"A Beginner's Guide
Composite Pod and Boom

If you want to create your own Tailbooms and Make
Strong light-weight Fuselages from Advanced
Composite Materials, this Instructional video will give
you the Techniques and Confidence to do so.
"DLG and ALES Build
Using Fundamental Composite Methods"

An Instructional DVD that shows a complete build
of a DLG (eDLG) and an eSupra for ALES Competitions.



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